cookie therapy

Cookie Therapy

What is Cookie Therapy?

I hear you wonder, what the … is Cookie Therapy? I understand. It’s actually the best therapy you could wish for. But don’t take my word for it. It is the most effective too. It will make you feel good for sure. Don’t worry about the negative side. Darkness and light are not the opposites of each other. No no. One doesn’t rule out the other. That’s a misconception. They exist next to each other.

Travel with me to discover all the cookies around the world.

What it’s not

Cookie therapy is not the name of a new shop. It is not the cookie that every website sneaks into your computer once you visit it. Nor is it the cookie that you can munch when craving for sweets. Altho it could be. But it’s not. Cookie Therapy is about a total different kind of cookie. The world of cookies.

But don’t get me wrong. It’s not therapy like lying on the couch at a psychologist. I am not a licensed therapist. Nope. I am an expert by experience. Which is a stupid description. Let’s just call it coach.

cookie therapy

Is Cookie Therapy for you?

Maybe the question shouldn’t be if Cookie Therpay is for you. But for who isn’t it? Because it’s good for everyone. Whether you need some distraction, motivation or inspiration. Cookie therapy is here for you. Worldwide.

About me

Now you probably wonder, who am I? Well, I’m Poptasi and I LOVE cookies! I am addicted to them. And not ashamed of it. I love to indulge myself. But I also love baking them. I have baked loads of cookies in my life. I started at a young age. But it gets better. I’ve baked more than a million macarons! And I ate thousands of them. Really? Yes really.

So why Cookie Therapy? Well, I’ve done many different things in my life. I had many different jobs. Good and not so good ones. I have to be honest, not all of them were great. But whether good or bad, I learned a lot from each one of them.

The psychology of communication

Most of my career I’ve worked in the international world of advertising. As an art director. The psychology of communication. But I’ve also worked as a construction worker, a manager at McDonald’s, a guest teacher at the school of photography, a snowboard instructor in the Alps, a taxi driver for people in wheelchairs and as an international DJ. Yes I told you I’ve done many different things.

If you can dream it, you can do it.

Walt Disney

I also worked as a pastry chef. In 2012 I opened the first macaronshop in the Netherlands. In Amsterdam. But before you rush into Google to find the address, I have to tell you, don’t bother. Because I had to close it in 2017. Unfortunately. Now you understand why I baked more than a million French macarons. And ate so many of them.

Addicts only

I even wrote a book about cookie addiction. Actually about macaron addiction. Called Macaroine. For addicts only. I wrote all the text en recipes. I designed the fonts, illustrations, layout, I also did the production and published it myself. Heck I even designed the stamps!

Book macaroine
My first book about macaron addiction, Macaroine.

So I dare to say that I’m a cookie expert. But nothing is more important that your personal favourite flavour. Because everyone has a different taste. And they are all god. That’s why they are personal. Nevertheless, I’d love to guide you through the world of cookies. Hence Cookie Therapy.

Anyways, I’ve collected all this knowledge.

Have you ever had the feeling, that you cannot do it all by yourself..? Or maybe have you ever considered therapy..? It’s not easy in this selfie-ish society that we live in. Personally I’m the best example of how NOT to do it. Personally i never ask for help. Because I know how difficult it can be.

Why so serious?

Now I admit that ‘therapy’ sounds pretty serious. This is exactly why i’ve added ‘cookie’ to it. Who doesn’t love cookies, right? Whether you call it therapy or coaching. It doesn’t really matter. Coz it’s all about what the cookie means to you. What it does to you.


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As dificult as you make it

I invite you

I invite you to join me. Travel with me to discover all the cookies around the world. I will take you there. The distance, estimated time, elevation gain and difficulty is yet to be determined. What matters is to find your intrinsic cookie.

Anything and everything is possible. There are no limits. Except the ones you put onto yourself. So keep an open mind and go with it.

Everything starts with an idea.

Let’s get personal

Anyone who knows me, knows that I have a high energy level. I can be a bouncy ball. Once I get excited, it only gets worse. So it’s no secret that I have Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Better known asADHD.

It is no secret either that I am blessed with the curse of perfectionism. I have mentioned that often enough in my blogs. But did you also know that I am HSP? Which stands for Highly Sensitive Person. Hypersensitive. I can sense people’s moods. But also of spaces.

You can add autism to that list too. I’m not just any ordinary autist. Nor am I one like in the movie Rainman. No. I’m a master autist. That’s why I understand people with autism so well. And ADHD- plus HSP people. But also empaths. Because I am a super empath myself. In psychology, these characteristics are often called disorders. I call them qualities. Qualities exist to explore.

Everything is connected

Back to cookie therapy. Coz I’m loosing track here. Although, actually I’m not. Because everything is connected. Everything happens for a reason. As you know by now, cookie therapy is not about the cookie. But for the pleasure it gives. The great feeling.

How can I put it better to words? It’s more about the recipe, the joy of the taste and the preparation. Am I going to share recipes with you then? Nope. But wait… actually yes. Because I’ll write a book about it too.

It will be the sequel. But consider the recipe more as the method. The route. The journey. Finding EEB. The way. Maybe that’s the right description for now. To go on your way. To inspire you. Find your intrinsic you.

Some of you might think, but you already did this with your shop and your blog. Maybe yes. But this time it’s going to be next level. And with next level comes a new name. Cookie Therapy.

You only live once. If you do it right, once is enough.

New chapters

Look forward to open new chapters. And be ready to close old ones. You can reach any level. Any destination. Not as the final one. No. Always go for the next one. Because it’s not about the destination. It’s about the journey.

Where to start?

Where you are, or will be is yet to be determined. The planet is your playground. Do you have any favourite destinations in your mind? Personally i don’t. Because there is still so much to discover and experience in the world. I can only say, let’s go!

Did you know…

  • Earth isn’t actually round.
  • Coral reefs are Earth’s largest living structure.
  • Atacama is the driest place on Earth. 

I bet you didn’t know that. Neither did i! =8]

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