I don’t belong here

I don't belong here

Something is wrong with me. It’s almost like I’ve become the one I feared becoming. The one with communication disorder. I am not myself anymore. Or is this the real me? I’ve said it many times, I’m not from this planet. Wherever I was, whatever I did, however I tried to fit in: I don’t belong here.

Something changed

I don’t understand myself. Something has changed. Not lately, but since a couple of years already. I feel like a unguided missile. ‘Ongeleid projectiel’ we’d say in Dutch. I know I’m oversensitive. But lately my emotions get the better of me. Listening to particular music brings tears to my eyes. Even watching some emotional tv-show wets my eyes. Like I cannot control my emotions anymore.

Sometimes, no… actually most of the times I think I feel like a pregnant woman. Not the belly part. But the part where their hormones are all over the place. Who am I to think that I know how a pregnant woman feels? Well, I feel like a mess. Then I feel like the world. And then like a mess again. On and off. Hence, pregnant woman.

All the things happening to me here in Malaysia and Indonesia have a big impact on me. First of all because I’m trying to build something. To create a new job to become an independant traveller. Which Facebook kinda ruined on 15 February 2025. By blocking my page.

Second because I trusted people to do a long(er) term work-relationship with them. Only to find out that they completely denied recalling this agreement while I was already working for them for a week. Which I happend to find out by luck. All is sorted now tho. But in stead of three months i’ll be staying one month. I think that’s best for me now. I don’t belong here.

Communication disorder

I’ve always had difficulty with people who have communication disorders. In Dutch we’d say ‘communicatie gestoord’. It’s not that they can’t communicate. No. It’s those who simply don’t communicate because they miss social skills. I simply don’t like those people. Now I wonder, have I become one of them? Am I now what I feared becoming?

So why do I think i have become one of them? I’ve been pretty much by myself lately. With lately I mean since I went to Indonesia and came back to Malaysia. Usually i’d always hang out with new friends. Have a drink at the sunset, do karaoke, go to the club and dance whole night. Do you know what i’ve been doing this whole week?

My week

I’ve been alone. I’ve been to ZUS Coffee after work (I work till 15:00) and worked on my laptop. Not doing much work actually. After ZUS around 19:00 I went to the beach, alone. I’ve watched the sunsets until 20:00, alone. Then I dropped my bag at my hostel and went back to the beach, in the dark. I sat down and watched the stars. You know the worst part? I even had my AirPods in my ears with music on all the time.

Not just any music. No. I played Creep from Radiohead. On YouTube. Nonstop. If you know the lyrics, then you know what I mean. I’m a weirdo, I don’t belong here.

Creep by Radiohead the lyrics.

All YouTube versions

I’ve watched all versions, all covers of the song. There are actually real impressive ones. I watched the ones with lyrics. I sang along, in quiet. The one that struck me the most is the live version from Pinkpop. It’s called Best Live Performance. And that is so true. Look for yourself, and let me know what you think. It’s the one below:

The most impressive and impactful version of Creep by Radiohead.

I even just watched a video where some (famous?) YouTubers give their reaction to a live performance. Which is one of the best ever. Guess what happened?

Press pause

I couldn’t even watch it. I had to pause it every time. Because my eyes would fill up with tears. Which is weird when you’re at ZUS Coffee drinking Cham. Luckily everyone here is on their phones. They notice nothing. Lucky me. By the way, I usually don’t like watching videos where people watching (judging) videos). But to give you an idea, this is one of them below. I don’t know this girl. I never watched videos from her. But it’s touching me deeply to see how moved she is.

I shared this with a friend. Thru Instagram chat. I asked her to listen to this song. Especially this live performance. Do you know what her reaction was? She wrote: ‘It was like I heard you. I’m a creep, I’m a weirdo. I don’t belong here’.

I’m a creep. I’m a weirdo.

What the hell am I doing here.

I don’t belong here.


So I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Why can’t I control my emotions anymore. Is this what it’s like to be an emotional wreck? Can you imagine that noone ever noticed. I guess my surviving mechanism is good at hiding it.

Remember I posted my (bad) feelings on Insta not so long ago? Everyone, and I mean every-one replied to me that I’m always such a positive person. From the outside yes. From the inside a million emotions are running thru my head. So yes, I’m a creep. I’m a weirdo. What the hell am I doing here. I don’t belong here.

Probably what you not expected

I know this is not the typical kind of blog I usually write. I’ve started writing about this many times. But I never shared it. Until now. Ironically enough, I don’t even know to whom I’m sharing this with now. Since Facebook is off.

I’m still searching for the best way to share my things with you. Yes I know all of you are on Facebook. I understand you’re not on Instagram or YouTube. I received many suggestions to start a new Facebook page. But I don’t believe in Facebook anymore. I cannot even delete it completely. Because so many accounts I have use the Facebook-log-in option. So I have to change all my accounts.Yay.

I haven’t figured it out yet. I’m going through all options. Even the one to go offline completely. But like I said, I haven’t figured it out yet.

It’s heart warming to receive your messages that you miss my blogs. I miss being connected to you too. It may sound weird, but it feels like Facebook cut off you as my travel buddies.

  1. Ow Patrick ,je klinkt naar een depressie ,zit je in zo.n prachtig gebied .
    Maar zie je ,dat je jezelf mee neemt .ik word verdrietig van deze blog .(weet dat dat niet je bedoeling is ,geen zorgen)zoeken naar jezelf ,in de rust ,kom je jezelf tegen ,omarm wie je bent ,ook jij bent fucking special ,knoop dat in je oren .eenzaamheid is niet oké, te veel tijd om te denken ,laat los ,ga uit je hoofd en ga genieten van al het moois wat deze planeet te bieden heeft ,life is what you make it .choose .dikke kus knuf natje

  2. Super lief van je nat. Het is inderdaad niet m’n bedoeling om wie dan ook verdrietig te maken. Ik schrijf het puur van me af. Ik had al meerdere keren dit verhaal geschreven en verwijderd. Opnieuw geschreven en weer verwijderd. Dit keer besloot ik om het te posten. Misschien ook wel om er van af te zijn me steeds groot te (moeten?) houden. Ik weet dat het leven zo mooi is als je het zelf maakt. Daar ben ik me absoluut bewust van. Alles komt sowieso goed. Dankje Nat ❤️

  3. ❤️doe je goed, wat me opvalt is dat de meeste met het verleden kampen ,jij niet jij kampt met de toekomst,maar zoals verleden is toekomst niet relevant ,,nu ,leef in het nu want je weet niet wat morgen brengt ,is altijd een verassing ,heb ik me ook aangeleerd geeft zoveel rust .en al het goede komt vanzelf op je pad ,rust in je hoofd dat is wat je nodig hebt ,rust en een dikke knuffel ,bij deze .

  4. Daar heb je helemaal gelijk in Nat. Ik moet mezelf er vaak genoeg aan herinneren in het nu te leven. Is makkelijker gezegd dan gedaan (zei de overthinker 😉 MAAR (grote ‘maar’) door m’n reizen word ik er wel steeds beter in. Je kan ook niet veel anders. Je bent tenslotte altijd op jezelf aangewezen. Niet dat tegenslagen makkelijker worden, maar je stapt er volgens mij wel sneller overheen. Change the scenery ❤️

  5. Patrick / Tex says:

    Goed nieuws: Er is he-le-maal niks met je aan de hand. Je hebt in korte tijd veeeeeel indrukken gehad (reizen, mensen ontmoet, financiële onzekerheid, jezelf en/of anderen niet teleur willen stellen), veel gedaan/gezien/gewild, ook dingen niet gewild. En door die levenservaring, word je een voller mens. En dan ben/word je sneller emotioneel (ik ben óók zo’n emokip, hoor!), omdat je waardeert wat je hebt, wie je bent, wie je kent, enzovoorts. En, omdat wat jij qua sociaal gedrag en communicatie normaal vindt (en ik ook), erger je je wild aan het feit wanneer een ander dat níet heeft en denk je: halloooooo oelewapper, zeg/denk/vind/doe ík daar nou zo OCD over of heb je nooit opvoeding gehad, slash weet je niet wat normaal is? DAT DUS. Verwoord ik het een beetje goed? Is dat wat in je Petterik-koppie gebeurt?

    1. Ik denk dat je het helemaal juist hebt Pat! Moest ook heel hard lachen over wat je schreef ’emokip’ hahaha. Ik weet ook wel dat ik niet de enige ben. Maar als je in je uppie reist moet je al je problems ook in je uppie oplossen. Dat is niet altijd even makkelijk. Ook al weet je dat alles ook weer goed komt. Super dankjewel voor je lieve en luisterende woorden Pat! ❤️

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