the perfect backback

The perfect backpack

How to choose your backpack

To find your personal best

What is the first thing on your mind when you think of backpacking..? Exactly, a backpack! There are so many to choose from. So many different brands. So many sizes, from huuuge to so tiny. So many colours, from bright happy chappy colours to invisible camouflage. How do you know which one is the best for you..? Don’t worry, I’ve done the research for the perfect backpack.

the perfect backback
Picture source

Keep in mind that I was looking for the best backpack to travel the world. It has to be big but not too big. It has to be strong, to last many years of travelling. It has to stand out because I don’t want to blend in. But is also has to be modest if I want to sit back and relax undisturbed.

The brands

the perfect backback brands
There are many brands on the market. Too many to name them all.

There are so many backpacking brands in the world. The North Face, Wolfskin, FjällRäven, Osprey. Too many to name them all. Eventhough it’s a small world after all, not all brands operate global. Some brands are popular in the United States side of the planet. other brands are more populair on the European side. Just like choosing your favourite food, you’ll probably choose your favourite brand. Since I’m brand new to world travelling, I didn’t have any favourite yet. So I read many reviews and blogs. And soon a few brands got my attention.

Size does matter

Choose the size of your backpack according to your personal build. Your weight and length. If you’re big and heavy built, you can handle a big backpack. But if you’re short and light you don’t want to carry too much weight. We’re not there yet for the perfect backpack.

The lenght of your travel

The backpack size you choose also depends on the goal you have. I mean how long you want to travel. If it is (only) for a holiday for two or three weeks, a small backpack is sufficient. But are you planning to wander the world for several months then you need a bigger one.

the perfect backback brands fancy restort

Fancy hotels or rough nature

It speaks for itself that your destination determines what backpack to choose. Are you planning to stay in hotels or fancy resorts..? Or do you want to be as independent as can be and hike into the wild nature..? Think of the extra space you need to carry your sleeping mat and tent. And don’t forget if you’ll be needing cooking gear.

Back- and hip support

Ask yourself how much comfort do you want with your backpack..? Do you want it to be as luxury as possible. Or do you prefer a cheap and nasty model. Either way, support is real important. Youdon’t want the backpack to hang solely on your shoulders. Especially when you’ve got plenty to carry, you want the most comfortable hip support. So make sure your backpack has solid shoulder- and hip belts.

What’s your budget

You want to travel fancy or broke..?
the perfect backback

Let’s not forget what your budget it. Although my advice , it’s better to spend some extra on a good backpack than to save a dime or two. Simply for the reason that your backpack has to carry your whole surviving. Take good care of your life. You only got one. The quality and the pleasure will definitely be worth it.

This might help

It’s always smart to ask for advice in specialised shops or from experienced backpackers. Personally I’m just a rookie. If you are as stubborn as me, you can always figure everything out yourself. Just like I did. There are so many backpacking blogs online with loads of tips and advice. Maybe this short list can get you started:

  1. How long are you planning to travel – 2 weeks, 3 months of a couple of years.
  2. How luxury you want to travel – are you going wild camping, use hostels, hotels or resorts.
  3. How are you build – your don’t want your backpack to be too heavy/
  4. How much do you want to bring – in many countries clothing is really cheap.
  5. What is yuor budget – this also depends on the length of your trip.

Always keep in mind: choosing a backpack is personal. What works for someone else, doesn’t mean it works for you. It always helps to try different brands in shops. Then you can touch and feel what is the right one for you.

My perfect backpack

I want to travel the world with an open ticket. Meaning that I have no idea how long my journey will be. So I needed a backpack big enough to carry everything. And small enough to stay mobile and flexible. I’m planning to stay in hostels. The cheaper the better. Because travelling by itself can be expensive already. Personally I’m 1.80 cm tall. My weight varies around 65 kg.

the perfect backback osprey
The Osprey Farpoint 40 green

Taking this all into consideration my ideal backpack is the Osprey Farpoint 40 liters. For me it has the ideal ventilating backsystem. Meaning that fresh air can ventilate between the backpack and my back. It has solid hip- and shoulder belts. Which you easily can zip into the bag, so you can handle it like a duffle bag, in case you need to check it in at an airport. Although I will always prefer to carry my backpack as hand luggage. No one wants to endlessly wait long for the plane to offload the luggage.

The perfect backpack for him and her

It has the luxury of a suitcase because you can open it completely and it is padded. On the side it has a hidden zipper to put your laptop in. I haven’t checked the difference, but for men Osprey has the Farpoint. For women there is Fairview.

Final tip: There’s a lot of difference in price where you buy or order your Osprey backpack. For now Google it. I will drop a link here soon.

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