
Wall of Fame

wall of fame

t is my great honour to present to you my Wall of Fame:

  1. Cees de Groot
  2. Danielle Wander
  3. Patrick Maijer
  4. Dirma van Drie
  5. Jeanne Dijkman
  6. Stephane Meijer
  7. Bart de Boer
  8. Nataly Pestel 
  9. Lies Born
  10. Edwin Hollanders
  11. Anoniem (SD)
  12. Connie Hilhorst
  13. Caroline Koekenbier
  14. Kim Hofstede
  15. Anouk Essers
  16. Priscella Hiralal
  17. Terry Mitchell
  18. Barney Wherry
  19. Nataly Pestel xoxo
  20. Danielle Wander xoxo
  21. Nicole van Uden
  22. Caylee Jansen
  23. Stephane Meijer xoxo
  24. Erik Janssen
  25. Natasja Benjamens
  26. Ansuya Lalay
  27. Elisa Huisink
  28. Talitha Steiginga
  29. Caroline Koekenbier xoxo
  30. Jaimy Isarin
  31. Mariska Middelbosch
  32. Viktor Valenteijn 
  33. Ryan Benoir
  34. Marjolein Blom
  35. Irenka van der Plas
  36. Jaimy Isarin xoxo
  37. Caroline Koekenbier <3
  38. Kim Hofstede xoxo
  39. Annette Spijker
  40. Jeanne Dijkman xoxo
  41. Michaela van Lith xoxo
  42. Nataly Pestel <3
  43. Caroline Koekenbier <3 <3
  44. Jeffrey Perrez
  45. Elisa
  46. Erik Jansen
  47. Ansuya Lalay
  48. J.A. Resink
  49. Stephane Meijer <3
  50. Franco Fiorito
  51. Kim Hofstede xoxo
  52. Nataly Pestel <3 <3

Thank you so much for your blind trust in- and support for EEB and my Cookie Hunt! Not only are you hereby eternalised in the Wall of Fame. You will be forever in EEB’s heart. 

Want to be eternalised too?

Do you want to be eternalised in my Wall of Fame too? You can! Simply support EEB by buying me a coffee. All you have to do is click on the button below. A coffee is 3 euro. But you are free to choose how big you want the coffee to be. Of course. Duh. There are no further obligations. EEB will be forever grateful. 

buy me a coffee

A token of appreciation

As a token of appreciation you will receive the official Certificate of Achievement. AND you will be mentioned in a coffee video. Which will be posted on either Facebook or Instagram. @poptasi. The Certificate of Achievement will be send to you by social media. 

cookie therapy by poptasi

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